Hello guys, today am going to show you how to start up a business for free and earn unlimited and instant $25 in bitcoin and $25 (250,000 cmdx tokens) once you enroll, train and help  new members mint their first cmdx tokens to their Ethereum ERC20 wallet.


CMDX is a smart currency and a home based global business platform for creating better health, more wealth and Real freedom to the world. CMDX is an American based reward program located in Atlanta Georgia, USA.
CMDX is one of the companies that is seeking to bring the now decade-old technology to the health sector. The company is offering patients and practitioners the opportunity to use the latest financial technology to fund and receive payments for treatment. CMD coin is set to be the gold standard in payment for private healthcare, the innovation will make it easier for patients to generate funds to be used for treatment, and will be a way for providers to open up their practice to a wider range of patients.

But forget about using crypto to just save money, the new brand of CMDX supersedes that. It is more than health, it is about the DNA of your human information. It is not a re-birth but an evolution from an MVP to a Super MVP. For providers, this means opening up their practice to a wider range of patients. Patients who might otherwise either not have had access to care at all, or who would have been restricted by their insurer’s list of approved practices. 

More to the point, the platform comes with its own healthcare assistant – like Alexa, but with just your health in mind. Brittany is a Digital Avatar Health and Wealth Coach, powered by Artificial Intelligence she can not only advise you on your health and wealth, she can also show you how to gain additional CMDX rewards.

The more CMDX reward points you have, the greater the value. Now that practitioners are accepting payment in cryptocurrency, it will allow customers to benefit from the forecast rise in value of the coin as it becomes more widely used in the healthcare sector – thus making your healthcare cheaper. C
CMDX has all the trademark values that are believed to have made Bitcoin’s value explosion happen, it is a health-centric cryptocurrency that is finite, transparent, portable, private, and profitable. Many analysts agree that these are the factors that made Bitcoin a success, and CMDX has already shown excellent potential by continuing to grow throughout late 2018, a time during which many other cryptocurrencies saw a decline in value and uptake.

Tom McMurrain has been a serial entrepreneur for 25 years starting his career with the internet in 1993. He raised over $100mm in the 90s for Internet startups using a Shark Tank-like presentation system. He pioneered microlending with one of the first call centers to use ACH and private label debit cards to process loans. This venture cost him 7 years of his life from a federal financial conviction. During this incarcasabbatical, he learned about blockchain and subsequently re-entered society the same year Satoshi Nakamoto released the Bitcoin Whitepaper. His "turn lemons into lemonade franchises" mindset led to a successful re-entry building an independent distributorship for T-Mobile to 50,000 customers where he was the #2 representative. He wrote an ebook that became an Amazon best-selling eBook and recorded videos on the five reasons to invest in Bitcoin that garnered over 25 million views. He spent three years touring 30+ countries speaking on stages and exploring the use cases of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. This led him to launch CoinMD-CMDX Smartcurrency for the DNA of Human Information. Today CMDX is utilizing blockchain and wearable technology to power a crypto rewards member aimed at incentivizing people to live a healthier life. He is also leveraging A.I. to become an employee-less company. His mission is to democratize healthcare and make it affordable for every man, woman, and child. He lives on a farm south of Atlanta with his wife Laura of 26 years and has three children ages 18-22.





We are building a global platform people can log into, share with others and create more wealth and better health. It is our hope that you will use your new-found wealth to invest in the important things in life, more nutritious food, improved living conditions, better education for your children, paying down debt and helping others in your community that are in need. This to me sprouts the roots of being enriched.

Be Enriched with CMDX - Help others become enriched with our simple three-step system. More importantly embrace the lifestyle of gratitude, of giving and KNOWING you have the vehicle to improve your life and the lives of those you share with. 

The activities of CMDX are no different than the activities you do with any social media platform. You have a picture you like, or a life experience or an article…you log in, you share it and people like it and comment on it. There is, of course, one big difference with the social networking of the past…you are not the one that gets paid…you are not the one that is enriched, the social media platforms do…they keep the riches and pay you with entertainment.

Today, with CMDX you can share a video, a blog, a webinar link on social media that leads conversations with people that desire more wealth and better health. When they make the decision to become a member, provider or ambassador you earn $25 in CMDX and after they mint their first tokens you earn a $25 Bitcoin Training Fee for onboarding them successfully. 

Did you know that CMDX now pays a $25 Bitcoin Training Fee for helping your new member mint their first token? This is how you do it.


1. Goto CMDX.IO and click on enroll to register. 
2. check your email to confirm the registration link and login to your dashboard.
 with a new Member.3. fund your blockchain or bitcoin wallet and pay the Admin fee of $49.95 to claim your token and withdraw it to your wallet.
2. Enroll them for $49.95 and both the enroller and enrollee earn $25 in CMDX Rewards.
3. Help the new enrollee set up their CMDX Wallet and mint their first CMDX tokens and the enrollee earns a $25 Bitcoin Training Fee.

Members who enroll for $49.95 can earn unlimited CMDXRewards and Bitcoin Training Fees.



watch this short video on how to create CMDX mobile using enjin mobile App
step 1: Goto google playstore and download enjin wallet app
        2. install it, create your password and click on create wallet


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